Dog Dental Care – Why (and how) you should brush your dog’s teeth regularly

Which dental diseases can dogs get?

The kind of the nutrition, as well as an insufficient dental care, show up also with the dog at different tooth illnesses.

Especially tartar is very common in dogs

Periodontosis and caries can also occur. However, healthy and strong dog teeth not only prevent such complications on teeth and gums, they also contribute to general health.

On the one hand, a dog with healthy teeth will be able to chew the food well. This means that all important nutrients can be absorbed well and the gastrointestinal tract is not overly strained.

On the other hand, dental problems, such as inflammation, can also lead to serious health problems elsewhere in the body.

Dental problems in dogs

Without regular dental care, caries, periodontosis and tooth loss can occur in dogs.

calculus and periodontosis

Tartar can form if food remains on the tooth. These residues are an ideal breeding ground for bacteria to multiply.

This creates plaque, which can lead to bad breath on the one hand, but can also cause gingivitis on the other. These inflammatory processes can damage not only the gums but also the teeth.

Therefore, periodontosis can occur as a result of tartar. Characteristic of this disease is that pockets are formed, the gums recede and the tooth necks and roots can be exposed during the process.

Inflammation can develop as far as the jaw bone and thus lead to extensive damage. As a consequence, the dog can lose its tooth.

On the other hand, inflammatory processes in the body should not be underestimated. The bacteria responsible for the inflammation can cause other diseases, such as skin and joint diseases, heart valve changes or kidney problems.


Your dog can also be affected by caries. Although quadrupeds suffer considerably less from caries than, for example, humans due to the special structure of the teeth, dog teeth can also be damaged as a result.

In dogs, the teeth are sharper and at the same time, the spaces between the teeth are larger. However, if tooth decay is present, the caries can initially cause holes and toothache up to inflammation of the jawbone and canal or abscesses.

Should one always brush the teeth of dogs?
The daily diet can cause food residues to settle between the teeth. If these are not removed, then diseases of the tooth and the gums are possible.

It is usually recommended to brush the teeth of a #dog every one or two days. It is sufficient to clean the teeth once a day.

How often the dog’s teeth are brushed also depends on the nutrition and individual care requirements.

If you feed high-quality dog food, there is less risk of tooth decay, parandonitis and other dental diseases in #dogs.

Through regular cleaning, all residues and plaque can be thoroughly removed before complications can occur.

Basically brushing the dog’s teeth is recommended, in addition to a species-appropriate nutrition of the animal.

This is the best way to brush your dog’s teeth
Brushing your dog’s teeth isn’t as hard as some might think. It is important to give you and your dog enough time.

If you have never brushed your dog’s teeth, then get him used to it step by step.

Very few dogs will patiently participate in the cleaning process the first time. It is especially easy to get a puppy used to cleaning. But you can also get older dogs to tolerate the toothbrush in their mouths with peace and patience.

Getting used to brushing your teeth

First, you should get your dog used to toothpaste and toothbrush.

Getting the dog used to toothbrush and toothpaste
Before you can thoroughly clean your teeth, your dog should get used to the toothbrush and the special taste and smell of toothpaste.

Spread some toothpaste on one finger and let it lick off your dog.

If your dog allows it, you can apply the toothpaste to your teeth and gums.

You can get used to the toothbrush by letting your dog lick it. However, you should be careful that your dog does not confuse the toothbrush with a chew toy.

Brushing your dog’s teeth

Once your dog gets used to toothpaste and brush, you can slowly start brushing your first teeth.

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